Thursday, May 26, 2011

What's in a name

                                   Meet Billy Boy.

Actually our little man just calls him "Boy".  He is not handmade or thrifted.  He was a recent gift from Babcia.  He was received at just the right time.  It is only now really that Che has been more into cuddling his softies and seeing them as distinct entities.  Boy is now with our naps and sleeps and a general all round good guy.

It is an intersting process choosing a name.  I have always been quite spontaneous and intuitive.  As soon as I found my dogs as young puppies their name just popped into my head.  My sons name  came to me  in the middle of a night  in my late 20's.  If I ever have a son I am going to call him Che, were my thoughts.

Whilst I was living and working in the Northern Territory,  I was taken back by the humour and take on western names that local indigenous people would choose.  Of course they would have their traditioal names but to interact with Balandas (white people) there were names such as "Astro Boy", "Diesel Engine", "Ceclia Chainsaw", "Tea Bag" and "Ding Dong".  I love how they seemed to have taken something that was relevent in white man's environment, as their own.

I came across a comment recently in my reading, not sure of the original source, "Being white is like having an invisible passport".  It really resonated with me for some time.

Maybe when Billy Boy grows ups, you never now he may one day become a revolutionary?

                Ah but he can be whoever he really wants to be.  The world is his oyster.

So to invite discussion, how did you choose the names for your loved ones, furry or skin covered?


Naomi said...

Names are so interesting. Lots of families I work with have given their children family names, traditional names from their culture, but also give them an English name to be called by. Just as many don't and only have their traditional name.

For us, for our son, we could only agree on one name I had a list of a few, and Hubby did not like any of them. Also, as a teacher I do get put off some names! For our daughter, we both loved the same name and it was easy. They both have middle names that are family names as well. Our daughter has 2 middle names because we just couldn't decide on which would be her first name!

Felicity said...

Being a teacher you really do get to experience LOTS of names and it can be a nightmare when it comes to 'giving' a name be it for a chid or furry 'person' because there are so many memories attached.

If I ever have another dog I'm going to call it Strauss mainly because I'm not going to have a son and it's the name I would have given him. I taught a Strauss almost 20 years ago and his name still evokes strength and gentle goodwill for I like the sound of it.

Great post - very thought-provoking. xx F

Vicki said...

Hi Jill,
How cute is boy? I love his happy face.
Some people 'fit' their names whilst I think other people don't, I can't imagine Donald Trump being called Tom or William Shakespeare being called Alan or Julia Gillard being called Debra. I had planned on calling my last child an Irish name in keeping with her ancestry but when having an afternoon nap one day not long before she was born I dreamt that she was French! So I called her Chantal. Rather oddly she learned to speak French in 2 years, whilst she was 10 and holidaying in France she picked up the accent and had long conversations with Mesdames in the little provincial towns, they would want to take her into the patisseries to buy her a treat. One of my favourite memories is in the village of Langeais, under the shadow of the castle, of Chantal doing a little song and dance about a rabbit for a 90 something lady who then promptly joined in with her!When I asked her how she could speak french when we'd only listened to the cd in the car she casually said, I just listen to what everyone says and then I know the words. It works for her!

Anonymous said...

Well the namesake Che was a surgeon, go figure??
Just glad my children have different names to everyone else at school - they're not weird or uncommon, just not 'now' names, traditional Celtic & Gaelic names which match our surname. Love Posie
(sorry it's anonymous, Blogger won't let me sign in)

Naturally Carol said...

I wanted our boys to have names that denoted strength of character in my eyes and for my daughter I wanted a pretty sounding name but also one that meant something of good character. The animals have to have real sounding names but that are fun and fit with their personalities. Names are important but most of all is building good character and self esteem so that they are equipped to make good choices in life and be able to develope their passions and talents.

Anonymous said...

Our black spoodle is called Licorice, my son's favourite cuddly when he was a baby was called Georgie after my uncle who gave it to him. Georgie went everywhere and even though my son is nine and doesn't want cuddlies he is still tucked away in the bedroom with fond memories.

Sandrine said...

Funny how we get to choose names...Our two furry friends came from the refuge and some people relocating and not being able to have anymore...So we welcome them with their given names :)I usually give a "French" name because that is what resonate with my heart...But funnily when our first girl was due to be born we change our mind on her name a day or so before she arrives...and we keep saying that she could not be a Matilda now we know her...The emotional load of name is quite interesting isn'it!One thing I had to get used to is how people's name get shorten here :)