Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today the light was calming.  The weather was really mild.  I walked around in a thin cotton top.  This morning was dedicated to paperwork.  I have to say that the digital computerised world has only increased my load of paper work.  Bad habits have slowly crept in and the various piles were mounting.  One organisational tactic that I know does works well for me is to pay bills/attend to matters as soon as Mr Postman delivers them.  Take things out of the inbox into the already sent as soon as possible.   Keep that flow of paper going round and round.  I know.  Otherwise you end up in the fiery HELL of a place to be.

"Looking after your own patch".  A most dear friend wrote to me.  Events this week that involved my family has been in my thoughts.  My family over the generations is large.  My maternal grandfather was one of 14 children.  My mother is one of 9.  But there has been disputes and years of one not taking to another.  It becomes so complicated.  Though a tragedy.  One spoke to another after 25 years of looking the other way.

           A blood red sky tonight. What does that mean again?


A Farmer's Wife said...

Red sky at night, shepherds delight.

Hope you (and any stray sheep that come your way) have a good day tomorrow.


Alice Becomes said...

yes, shepherd's delight..You look like you have lots of nice bright colours in your house (and garden!) I like that. And family rifts are tough, so tough, and 25 years is a long time

Gill xo

Felicity said...

Hey Jill,

Your ramblings brought a smile to my eyes and a warming to my heart.
The still life that you've created with the blossoms and lace would make paying any bill a little easier I'm sure.

Happy days ahead. x F

Being Me said...

Hello. I got lost for a moment there in your beautiful photos. Shepherd's delight indeed. Lovely post. And such good news there is progress on the 25 years not talking front... I'm entrenched (somewhat unwillingly) in a 6 year-long estrangement of my own.

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

wow, beautiful photos!! The light was wonderful in our part of nsw yesterday too, and super warm today!

i'll follow along to keep up with your 'ramblings' xxx em

Naturally Carol said...

Loving the red sunset..was it a fine day the next day? Red sky in the morning is a shepherds warning..just in case you had forgotten!

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

That people can come back together after 25 years of not talking feels so hopeful to me;how sad that it take a tragedy to make that happen.

Beautiful photos and beautiful piles! I am a piler, too, it's my way!

Where I love the red sky means sailor's delight..either way, I think you are in for beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, you can tell I grew up on the sea, for I would have said red sky at night sailors delight. Lovely to hear that shepherds also delight in red sky nights. Oh and by the way - I love love love the collectors mobile you've made. It is spectacular!