Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking stock on this Sunday morning

               We definitely are porridge people for breakfast

 A very sweet package in the post.  Thank you so much Jane.  Very lucky to win this prize in your giveaway.  How you have found the time with all that is going?  Hoping that the madness is petering out.

Pottering around the house this morning. Thinking of creative ventures and when to find the time.  The sun is breaking through the moisture laden clouds.  Little man and his father in the backyard with the pooches.

Would like to thank people for their kind thoughts.  Digging deep for patience and knowing this is just a phase.

Will see how the day unfolds.

Hoping everyone is having a lovely Sunday morning.



Felicity said...

I love your little snippets on a Sunday Jill.

Lucky you to receive a parcel from Jane - a doubly special gift as she is so thoughtful with her trimmings.

Your 'still life' montages are wonderful - my favourite this week = the bedside cup of tea.

Hugs to you!

xx Felicity

Naomi said...

I love the photos. Looks like a home I'd love to be in.
Pottering around is something I love to do at home.
The bedside cuppa is soothing.... and I love the canisters and bottles.

I'm a porridge person too... I love mine with raspberries from the freezer, greek yoghurt and a little maple syrup to get me going.

Being Me said...

So gorgeous to see him ladling in that good stuff. Your house is amazing.

A Farmer's Wife said...

I love the bedside cup of tea.

Your house is lovely Jill, lots of pretty and interesting things.

Take care.

Vicki said...

Hi Dear Jill,
My grandmother always said we needed porridge in winter as it would stick to our insides and we'd not get cold!
Love your posts better than a Country Style story!

Alice Becomes said...

oh we do porridge every morning too, especially during the cold months, it warms their little bellies. Lovely photos, hope your Sunday unfolded beautifully

Gill xo

Sandrine said...

Oh lucky you receiving Jane little book...I am a note book and pretty pens lover, this one looks really nice!Nice little snippets of your home, and I love how little Che tackles his breakfast :)Cute!

Nilofer said...

My son loves porridge too. Do visit my blog and leave your footprints by posting comments

Jane said...

Oh, Jill, I'm just catching up on my blog reading. Thanks for the sweet mention - I'm so glad my parcel brightened your day! And those porridge photos are just classic. Love them ☺. J x